Thursday 21 March 2013


Sometimes I really need to take a step back and realize I am not a creative person.
Sometimes I need to be reminded that I am not a creative person.
Sometimes I need to be reminded that I am not a patient person, especially when it comes to creativity.
I tend to have great ideas- for others to do.

This year for the boy's birthday party, I really wanted to get the guest something that will be used, and not just a bunch of junk that will be tossed out. Normally I spend a small fortune at the dollar store and over stuff loot bags. This year, I decided that I was going to make capes for the younger kids and buy small Lego kits for the older kids.
Simple right? Go to fabric land, buy some material and thread... some Velcro for the clasps... Order the Lego kits online. Done!
The Lego kids I bought online at chapters. They were on sale (yay!) plus I had some gift cards kicking around so I only paid $20 out of pocket.
The capes on the other hand... Oy

We used a pizza box for a template and cut a 'cape' shape out. I traced the cape 12!!! times on each colour of fabric.
That was day one.
Day two I started to cut the shapes out. Adam helped (he did 4).
Day three I finished cutting the capes out and borrowed a sewing machine from my neighbour.
Day four consisted of the boys getting yelled at for managing to spill an entire bag of milk on the already made capes and the prepped material.
Day five was a lot of ironing, a lot of F bombs and I am not going to lie, a lot of tears.
Day six was the morning before the party, I had stayed up until 3am trying to get the damn things done. The sewing machine kept having a hissy fit and throwing up thread. The Velcro tabs weren't working properly, and I was almost out of thread. I had mere hours to finish them or the younger kids would be going home empty handed.
Thankfully, an old friend came to my rescue and finished (and corrected) my mess. KayeLle Handmades
(Thank you sooooooo much!)

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