Saturday 9 March 2013

7 Months!

Today Zacharey is 7 months old!  It also marks 7 months of breastfeeding. What a huge milestone!

Zacharey is a very funny baby, he is so bright eyed and happy- although, still rarely laughs. He has discovered he has wrists, and now spends a lot of his time moving them. He is still not crawling but is getting really quick at scooting (usually backwards). I have caught him on several occasions getting on his hands and feet (bear craw position). He is crazy strong and will climb up a person or try and wriggle his way out of hands.
Although he is not a large baby, he now wears 9-12 month clothing and is on the mid rise to most of his diapers. (clearly malnourished ;) )
As for teeth, he doesn't have any yet but his drool output has increased and he has red rashy cheeks. I think I will be bitten very soon.
Zacharey's current favourite foods are apples, bananas and beans.

7 months old
Unknown weight

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