Monday 31 December 2012

Life, Death and Moving On.

Hello readers.
I realize my activity a day advent went to shit- for that I apologize.
We have had so much happen in the last few weeks that blogging has been the very last thing on my mind. Even as I sit here, wanting to write, needing to write I struggle. There is so much to write about- so much to share, to get off my chest. Updates on Zacharey, stupid nurse comments, dropping in to see my midwives (who I have missed dearly), how Alex and Nathaniel are doing. How I so very much loathe the holiday season, Elaine's death. Moving on, moving forward, all in search for some normalcy.
I guess we should start at the beginning. Is there a beginning?

Hijacking help from my neighbour, we made several dozen cookies for my family (my side) Christmas. It involved a lot of laughing, a lot of coffee and a very late night.

 Not my best decorating skills, but it was very late early and we both needed to go to bed.

As Adam and I are slackers, we had yet to take the boys to see Santa and have their yearly picture taken, so before we were due at my aunts house, we faced the mall and waited in line for almost 2 hours.To my defence, I had a very hard time finding adequate 'Christmas' sweaters this year. H&M came to our rescue... even though I totally forgot that store existed haha.

Waiting in line-bored.
Alex, Zacharey and Nathaniel <3
Not the greatest picture, but good enough- All the ones where Zacharey was actually smiling Nathaniel was glaring at the camera. *insert long exasperated sigh here*

When we were about 5 kids away from seeing Santa, we got a text message saying that Elaine (Adam's mom) was being re admitted to the hospital and that she was going in for emergency surgery. She had signed herself out after having a hysterectomy to remove cancer a day or two prior. Even though it was against medical advice, trying to argue with her was similar to arguing with a brick wall.

We picked the 'best' picture, had it printed, loaded the kids up into the van and headed to the hospital. We never ended up making it to my family Christmas celebration as it was a very long night in the hospital. It turned out that her bowel had started to die and they ended up removing a third of her small intestine. That left her with 150cm, when the body needs at least 100cm to function. The news was promising and she would stay in the ICU until she got better. They had her sedated and incubated and were going to keep her that way until her next surgery to re attach her bowels in 72 or so hours. I can't remember if it was the next day or the day after next- it is all a blur but her stats were crashing and she was getting worse so they took her back in as they feared that the rest of her bowel was dying. They went in and took what seemed like forever. Everything looked good- it was the best news we could hope for. They went back in two days later to put her bowels back together and she was stable.

In between all of this happening, life still had to go on, the boys still had school, presents still needed to be purchased and wrapped and more cookies and bread still needed to be made.
I had made up small boxes of cookies for my Midwives- they are totally on my yearly baking list and forever stuck with me. Adam and I dropped them off to them- we were very lucky that both were in the office as that is a very rare thing. I reminded them that they are still welcome to come for coffee whenever they have a free moment and wished them a happy Christmas. It was really nice seeing them and I think they really enjoyed seeing Zacharey.

Just before leaving for the Midwife office we got a call from the Dr's office- I only listened to about 1/2 the answering machine message (couldn't find the phone in time). It was the nurse who did Zacharey's last well baby check. She was calling to see how Zacharey was doing and if he was still having eating issues. She wanted to let us know that she was talking to his Dr and said that his Dr was not overly concerned about his weight gain but that she (unsure if she meant herself as the nurse or the Dr.) would recommend supplementing with 2oz of formula after every feed. And that it sounds like I have supply issues. For starters, Zacharey has transfer issues as he is tongue tied. Secondly, I do not have supply issues and even if I did, telling me to supplement with an artificial packaged 'food' which would keep him fuller longer, thus meaning not nursing as often would cause supply issues. I think supplementing with pumped milk should be the first suggestion, I am so very sick of formula pushers. If I wanted him on formula, I would have bottle fed him. If I wanted him on formula I would not be working so hard to breast feed. It is like she did not listen to a damn word I said. It is frustrating to know that if Zacharey was this size and formula fed no one would be saying shit about his size and or weight. Trust me, I would love to see large numbers on the scale. I would love to not have anxiety every time he has a weigh in. I would love for all of this to go smoothly. Zacharey is a small baby, he is no starving, he is not delayed in any way. He is not lethargic.
Unfortunately our next weigh in is with the same nurse and I didn't have time to call the office and see if we can be scheduled with anyone other than her. Perhaps I will see her just once more, say my two bits and request that Zacharey sees someone who knows their head from their ass from now on.

As everything was going okay with Elaine, we decided to continue our plans to go to Lindsay. We left early on the 23rd, and only had to stop once to feed Zacharey. We got several text messages from John and Jim (Adam's step dad and step brother) saying that things had taken a turn for the worse and that her heart had stopped. At this point we were less than an hour away from Lindsay. I asked Adam if he wanted to turn around and he said that we might as well keep going. They were able to re start her heart via defibrillator. They were waiting for her to get in for a CT scan to find some answers.
We kept driving and got another text saying that her heart had stopped again and that they were able to re start it. I again asked Adam if he wanted to go back home.
We were at Adam's dad's place for probably two or so hours when I got a text from Jim saying that the pace maker they were going to put in failed and that the Dr's were afraid of more blood clots. That his dad didn't want any more, no more compressions and no more defib.  At this point I have no idea if Adam called John or Jim, or if ether of them called him. All I know is we started packing up the baby and that we were leaving the older boys in Lindsay so they would still be able to have a Christmas meal.
It was time to take Elaine off life support and they were waiting for us to get back to do so.
We made the trip back to Kingston in a little over two hours, the roads were terrible for the first forty or so minutes of the ride.
We got to the hospital, and said our good byes and she was taken off life support. As Elaine is stubborn and a fighter it took her time before she was ready to pass. We spent the night with her and most of the 24th. Adam dropped me off at home around 4:00pm (ish) so I could prepare for the boy's return home. Adam's dad had brought the boys home around 7:00pm. Adam took a break from the hospital and came home for our Christmas eve tradition of opening Pjs.
We pretended to have a good Christmas morning, Adam left before breakfast was ready- he needed to be with his mom.
On December 25th, 2012 Elaine passed away at 2:39pm.
I am thankful that my neighbour was able to watch the older two so I could go be with Adam. It was a rough day, it was a rough week.
Telling my boys was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my entire life. I am the type of person who replaces the fish with the exact same one when it dies. I just want my kids to be kids. To never have to worry about death, to never have to experience it. Nathaniel took it the worst out of the two. Grandma was his most favourite person on the planet. They were very close. I feel terribly that he only got 4.9 short years with her. He blames the Drs and hospital- saying that it is unfair that she had to go to the hospital. That it was unfair that she had to die. Yes Nathaniel, more unfair than you will ever be able to comprehend. All I could do was hold him as he sobbed his little heart out. Telling him over and over again how sorry I am.
To say that Elaine and I had our differences would be an understatement. She knew exactly how to push my buttons, how to frustrate the crap out of me. This being said, I still cared for her deeply. She was very good to my children, especially Alex who is of no blood relation. I hated the amount of junk she fed them (laughing at me the whole time) I hated how she never listened to no. I hated that she deliberately crossed boundaries... frequently. She was a grandmother. She was very good at being a grandmother and I so wish that Zacharey would have been old enough to be spoiled by her.

We have had John over a few times for dinner- I don't like the thought of him being alone, eating alone. Like a bad habit, every time he comes Nathaniel asks if Grandma is coming over too. And every time I have to tell him no. And remind him. And every time it takes a chunk out of my heart.


Stopping for a boob

Santa came!

 Elaine's Obituary.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

On the eleventh day of Christmas

What do green foam paper, pom poms and glue have in common?
Yesterday's craft ;)

Alex's on the left, Nathaniel's on the right.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

On the tenth day of Christmas...

On our tenth day we did coffee filter snowflakes.
I had to help Nathaniel with the cutting so he didn't end up cutting off a finger. Which reminds me, I need to make a mental note to pick up safety scissors.

Monday 10 December 2012

The Battle Continues

Zacharey had his 4 month weigh in /well baby check today. This time it was with a new nurse in the office, I am unsure if I like her or not. Some of what she had to say irritated me... a lot.
At 4 months 1 day old, Zacharey weighs a 'whopping' 13lbs 2oz- a far cry from the 14lbs he 'should be'.
This means he is up a total of 13.5oz from his 3 month weigh in. At first, she make a comment about what a big boy he was, and then looked at his chart and said "oh, never mind"
I then got asked if I was making sure he was eating enough and frequently, if I made sure he drained the breast and asked if I know about fore milk and hind milk. OF COURSE I know about all that! I made a point to tell her when we first sat down in the room that he had a class III posterior tongue tie and he has had a partial clip done. It says right in his file that we have struggled with weight gain.
She also made a bit of a stink about us not wanting him to have the new oral vax. One, it is too new for my liking. Two, I don't really feel my kids are at risk for serious gastro intestinal issues and three, I really want him to keep his virgin gut for as long as possible.
She said that infants have the exact same flora as adults and that the virgin gut was a myth.. umm okay
She also told me is was okay to start him on solids now... ummm no.
I am wondering if it has come to a point with his weight where we have to seriously consider putting him under GA and having his tie fully released. I wonder if me stopping the milk production herbs was the best choice. (I had stopped them because they were causing my hyperactive letdown to be too forceful and Zacharey was gagging and choking.)
When does it get to a point where enough is enough? I know he is not starving, and babies come in all different shapes and sizes. I know he is healthy. I know he is active, more active compared to his peers. He rolls from belly to back. He rolls from back to belly. He is trying to get his knees under him when he is on his belly. He is trying really hard to sit up alone. He has found his feet.
He is happy and smiles and laughs.
I wonder if I should go back to waking him every two hours at night. I wonder if I should start supplementing with pumped milk after feeds.
I wonder if I should just throw in the fucking towel and admit defeat. I was so proud when he hit his 4 month birthday. He had officially been breast fed longer than Nathaniel. I thought he was doing better, he looks bigger. Or so I thought. I loathe the scale.
Needless to say, I spent the whole afternoon bawling my eyes out.

Zacharey 1 month after his partial tie release

4 months old!

Screw Sophie! Gimme the controller Dada!
(excuse the mess)

I found my feet!
Zacharey December 10th 2012
13lbs 2oz
26.4 inches long
16.14 inch head

Sunday 9 December 2012

On the nineth day of Christmas

Today I got away with not doing a craft. We were invited to a cookie exchange at the Koziar's house. I did the baking (well Kim helped) and the boys just reaped the benefits.
It was a great turn out and the boys had a lot of fun (so much that they didn't want to leave).

On a completely unrelated side note, both boys passed their swimming lessons!

Nathaniel is now in Divers and had;
"Good work this fall Nathaniel! I think it's awesome how you always come to call with a lot of energy and always want to do all your skills by yourself. I like how you can swim ten meters on your front, remembering to do big scoops and big kicks the whole time! Next steps: remember to always keep a puffy belly when you do your back swim and back glide so your feet don't sink to the bottom. I think it's great how you can do a rollover glide without any help! Happy holidays and keep up the great work in DIVERS!"
Written on his paper.

Alex is now in Star 1 and had;
"Great participation in my class! Awesome swimming this session  Alexander. Remember not to have splashy arms when you do your front crawl and back crawl. Good improvement on your side glide and treading water in the deep end. Keep up the great swimming!"
Written on his paper.

On the eighth day of Christmas...

 Sorry, I was 'too busy' to post yesterday.

Yesterday we were invited over to the Wood's to do craft. Score for me, she did all the effort of organizing it and as an added bonus the mess was at her house.

She had several lovely crafts lined up, great ideas (some of which I might steal). Unfortunately no one but Ally was interested/had the attention span to actually sit and make anything. Her craft was my favourite.

Nathaniel painted his angel hulk green... and left it.

Ally's masterpiece!

Ally really loves Zacharey... he doesn't feel the same way
 After al the kids were in bed, I had Kim come over and help make oreos (amazing for the record...)
And being the amazing person that I am totally forgot to add flour to the recipe... and so the first batch didn't work out so well. I should have gotten a pic of the goo it made. I can laugh about it now, but it kinda pissed me off last night. We were able to rectify the situation and move on to wrapping presents and drinking coffee.
(Not that it really mattered anyways, as a certain 4.5 year old decided to help himself to several this morning so I had to make another batch for the cookie exchange today. (which I added too much butter too and had to double the recipe *sigh* I just can't win!)

Friday 7 December 2012

On the seventh day of Christmas...

I think I need to start writing down craft/activity ideas and include a list of needed ingredients/supplies. I am finding it difficult to come up with ideas or even have the energy to set up a multi step project. I am finding that the craft/activity ideas are becoming increasingly lame. Even with Pintrist and google at my fingertips, I just lack in the creative department. I suppose that the boys enjoying themselves and asking "what are we doing tonight?" should be enough of a win. Perhaps jumping in with both feet was not such a great idea, especially for someone who is not creative or crafty.
Ether way, I feel obligated to do an activity a night, partly because the boys are having fun and it is creating memories for them and partly because I decided to blog about it.
Anyways, let's get down to business.
Tonight the boys made tissue paper snowman. Basically I cut up and crumbled a crap ton of tissue paper and had them glue the pieces down on foam snowman shapes.

Alex's on the left, Nathaniel's on the right
Until tomorrow!

On the sixth day of Christmas...

Sorry that this is a day late. I forgot to post yesterday. Okay, I didn't forget. I was busy eating junk food and watching Grey's Anatomy with a friend.
Anyways, today's/yesterday's craft was decorating a snowflake. (What's worse than glitter? Glitter glue! It is all over my table...)

Alex's on the left, Nathaniel's on the right
Until tomorrow/today!

Wednesday 5 December 2012

On the fifth day of Christmas...

Today I was persuaded by Adam to put up the tree. Normally I hold off until at least the 15th of December.
Our door has an ugly plastic Santa head on it, our windows some tacky colourful lights and our tree is up and decorated.
We need to figure out where to put Zacharey's swing now haha

I think it is safe to say that Santa has successfully thrown up all over our house.

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday 4 December 2012

On the fourth day of Christmas...

Being a dreary Tuesday -it rained here, I was lacking motivation to do a craft (or even make dinner for that matter... blueberry pancakes for the win). So today's was a lame awesome snowflake craft.



Until tomorrow!

Monday 3 December 2012

On the third day of Christmas...

Today's craft was a bit of a failure. Well, not the craft per-say, just the day of craft.
Just before leaving for Mother's Circle today, I received a phone call from the school. I guess Alex decided it would be a good idea to harass a first grader until he (the first grader) would agree to trade a Pokemon card (ONE) for a twenty dollar bill. Since the first grader stuck to his guns, Alex decided that he would spit on the first grader... in the face. 
The principal was curious as to why a ten year old would have a twenty dollar bill on him, as it is a large amount of cash for a child to randomly have. Alex thought it would be a good idea to not turn in his hot lunch and milk money for the month of December. I am not sure how he thought he would get away with that one. I am sure he would miss his daily milk and would be awfully hungry every Friday as I wouldn't be packing him a lunch. Since it is too late to turn it in, he will have to go with out for this month. I am unsure if I will bother with future months as he can no longer be trusted to hand in forms and money. (Does it make me a bad person/parent that I am a little bummed that I have to make him a lunch every Friday? I very much enjoy having one day off a week...)
The principal decided that the best course of action would not be a suspension... this time. He is not allowed on the yards for a long time and is not allowed to participate in inter-murals within the school. However, if this happens again he will be suspended (justifiably).
So- needless to say, Alex did not participate in tonight's craft.

Today Nathaniel was supposed to make a beaded wire Christmas Tree. Only, a tree shape was too hard for me to bend. (I tried I really did... it was not pretty haha)

The beads were almost too small for Nathaniel's dexterity level.
In the future I would probably use bigger beads.

Not a tree, but a star is Christmasy right?

Until tomorrow!

Sunday 2 December 2012

On the second day of Christmas...

Today I had planned to do wire beaded trees. I know I bought wire from my trip to the dollar store but I seemed to have misplaced it between there and home. So We made snowman instead.
I made the first one to give (Nathaniel) a bit of an example.

Nothing fancy, but an activity none the less.

Yes, Nathaniel is dressed as Bumblebee...

While the boys (minus Zacharey as he is too little to really make one) were making their snowmen, Alex insisted on complaining on the lack of top hat- which reminded me why I rarely do crafts with them...

Alex's snowman looks like it got into a fight with a shot gun. When asked about all the red dots he grinned... *sigh*
Nathaniel's looks like his scarf exploded. He said he ran out of room lol

Until tomorrow!

Saturday 1 December 2012

On the first day of Christmas...

December 1st. Day ONE
Being overly ambitious I have decided to jump right in.

This was our activity for today

I made up the dough and had each of the boys make their print. In three hours, possibly four as they will need cooling time, I will paint them (so not brave enough to let the boys use non washable paint...). I am being overly hopeful that they will work. I will edit this post once they are done with the finished results.