Wednesday 24 July 2013

11th Month

Next month I no longer have a baby in the house.
Next month I will have a toddler.
I am not ready for Zacharey to turn a year. For most parents this is a happy time, a celebration. For me, it brings sadness. Of course I am happy he is growing and developing, glad that he does new stuff every day. Glad that he is a little ball of personality.
I am sad because I am not ready. I want him to stay little forever.
Zacharey is so funny. He has so much personality!
Although he is not walking yet, he has taken as much as 3 consecutive steps. I think it is more of a confidence thing. He stands alone in the middle of the room like it is no body's business. I will be surprised if he is not fully walking before his first birthday. He has even figured out how to climb stairs and climb on and off the couch (sometimes he still falls though).
He can now say; hi, Dada, Mumum, all done, ball, hat, yayaya and can shake his head to answer yes or no. Zacharey can also sign (ASL) for milk, all done and more.
Although most of the time between his tenth and eleventh month consisted of a major food strike, Zacharey eats a wide variety of foods. He has some major favourites though. His favourites are yogourt and granola (which he uses a spoon for now!), apple, apple sauce, cheerios, carrots, rice, frozen peas, black beans, grated cheese, broccoli, crackers and his starch puffs and sticks (puffs and mum mums).
As for sleep, well, we are working on that.
I am currently reading The No Cry Sleep Solution in hopes that I can get him to sleep longer, better and without frequent night nursing. I am not enjoying co sleeping as much as I once did. It could have something to do with the fact that Zacharey is ALL OVER THE PLACE when he sleeps. Which means I end up getting kicked in the head or my spot gets taken over (and I end up sleeping at the foot of the a dog). So, we are working on sleeping in our own space and sleeping for longer periods. Perhaps after his first birthday it will all click and he will only wake once.
I still have no idea what he weighs, we will find out just after his 1st birthday. I am starting to get anxious about numbers. Sometimes he feels bigger, looks bigger. Other times he looks so small. We will just have to wait and see.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Family Pictures

We are very fortunate that we have a photographer in the family. This same photographer takes our pictures and does not charge us for them. Double win.
I feel guilty though. Guilty because it has taken 6 years, yes SIX, to have family pictures done.

Zacharey was grabbing Nathaniel's ear hahah
Zacharey was all like, "Oh heyyy"

Bawhahah my face!


I realize on my last mini update that I said I was working on several entries and that I promised I would have them up soon.
The truth is, I am working on several, I am just hesitant to post them as I feel some individuals are using my blog to stalk me and to steal pictures of my children.
I really enjoy writing about my family, about my life.  It is sad how easy it is for a certain individual to ruin something so nice.

On a side note, if you want information about how my child is doing, I suggest you pick up your phone or show up for him.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Mini update!

Hello readers,
I realize it has been over a month since my last post. For this I am sorry. I have just been so busy with LIFE!
There is so much to update on, so much to write about, rant about and share.
Although this is a tease post, I am really working on several. I promise they will be up soon!