Monday, 10 December 2012

The Battle Continues

Zacharey had his 4 month weigh in /well baby check today. This time it was with a new nurse in the office, I am unsure if I like her or not. Some of what she had to say irritated me... a lot.
At 4 months 1 day old, Zacharey weighs a 'whopping' 13lbs 2oz- a far cry from the 14lbs he 'should be'.
This means he is up a total of 13.5oz from his 3 month weigh in. At first, she make a comment about what a big boy he was, and then looked at his chart and said "oh, never mind"
I then got asked if I was making sure he was eating enough and frequently, if I made sure he drained the breast and asked if I know about fore milk and hind milk. OF COURSE I know about all that! I made a point to tell her when we first sat down in the room that he had a class III posterior tongue tie and he has had a partial clip done. It says right in his file that we have struggled with weight gain.
She also made a bit of a stink about us not wanting him to have the new oral vax. One, it is too new for my liking. Two, I don't really feel my kids are at risk for serious gastro intestinal issues and three, I really want him to keep his virgin gut for as long as possible.
She said that infants have the exact same flora as adults and that the virgin gut was a myth.. umm okay
She also told me is was okay to start him on solids now... ummm no.
I am wondering if it has come to a point with his weight where we have to seriously consider putting him under GA and having his tie fully released. I wonder if me stopping the milk production herbs was the best choice. (I had stopped them because they were causing my hyperactive letdown to be too forceful and Zacharey was gagging and choking.)
When does it get to a point where enough is enough? I know he is not starving, and babies come in all different shapes and sizes. I know he is healthy. I know he is active, more active compared to his peers. He rolls from belly to back. He rolls from back to belly. He is trying to get his knees under him when he is on his belly. He is trying really hard to sit up alone. He has found his feet.
He is happy and smiles and laughs.
I wonder if I should go back to waking him every two hours at night. I wonder if I should start supplementing with pumped milk after feeds.
I wonder if I should just throw in the fucking towel and admit defeat. I was so proud when he hit his 4 month birthday. He had officially been breast fed longer than Nathaniel. I thought he was doing better, he looks bigger. Or so I thought. I loathe the scale.
Needless to say, I spent the whole afternoon bawling my eyes out.

Zacharey 1 month after his partial tie release

4 months old!

Screw Sophie! Gimme the controller Dada!
(excuse the mess)

I found my feet!
Zacharey December 10th 2012
13lbs 2oz
26.4 inches long
16.14 inch head

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