Sunday, 2 February 2014

14 Months!

Oh boy, oh boy.
The little mister is 14 months old! He is so spunky and crazy. He has so much personality (it shows in his wild hair).
Time is flying by, I can't believe Zacharey is 14 months already! I need to remind myself not to blink. If you blink you miss stuff. All the stuff.
I am grateful that I am granted the opportunity to continue to stay home with him. Many of my friends have ether returned to work, or are returning shortly.
As Zacharey is a full time mover and shaker now, our time at Mother Circle has long passed. Technically, we should have stopped going months ago. I miss going and I miss coffee time after.
We really make a point to keep him busy, to have friends to play with. He really enjoys being around other people.
Zacharey had a bit of an accident this month. He was being silly and fell over on his bin of books and jammed his tooth (central incisor) back up into his gums. I didn't even know it was possible for that to happen. I thought he had knocked it out! An emergency trip to the dentist and an x-ray later showed that it was just jammed back up! OUCH! It was told to us that the tooth may come back down on its own and be fine, it may come back down and not be fine or it may not come back down at all. Two of those possibilities would mean dental surgery to extract the tooth. We also discovered that some of Zacharey's teeth came in without enamel and he had the starting of 3 very small cavities. Terrific! Have I mentioned that we do not have dental coverage? This boy's mouth is going to cost us a fortune.
For right now the treatment plan is to sit and wait to see if the tooth will come back down and to do a fluoride treatment once daily to help prevent further decay. The fluoride treatment is not ideal, and I am well aware that it is a neuro toxin, however, having his teeth rot away is worse.

This picture sums Zacharey up perfectly <3

Sometimes you need to do whatever it takes to get dishes done :)

Zacharey is still happily REAR FACING and will be until he is AT LEAST 3.

You know, just eating a vacuum at the dentist...